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De Solidariteitsgroep is lid van Western Sahara Resource Watch

Stop EU visserij in de Westelijke Sahara

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Wereldwijde oproep tot toezicht op mensenrechten in Westelijke Sahara
Meer dan 100 organisaties en prominenten uit alle hoeken van de wereld hebben een brief aan VN Secretaris Ban Ki Moon ondertekend, waarin wordt opgeroepen tot VN-monitoring van de mensenrechtensituatie in de Westelijke Sahara. Bij de ondertekenaars zijn Frank Ruddy, voormalig directeur van de VN Missie voor de Westelijke Sahara MINURSO. Ook de Belgische Europarlementariërs Frieda Brepoels en Bart Staes tekenden de oproep. De actie kon eveneens rekenen op de steun van regisseur Ken Loach en muzikant Manu Chao.
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Public letter to Ban Ki Moon

The Honourable Ban Ki-Moon    
Secretary General
760 United Nations Plaza
United Nations
New York, NY 10017

Dear Secretary General,  

We, the undersigned, thank you for your efforts that allowed Saharawi human rights defender Aminatou Haidar to return to her home and her children after she was refused entry to her homeland by the Moroccan authorities.  We are delighted that for once in the case of Western Sahara, justice and international law have prevailed.

But we know that this is not the end to the human rights abuse directed at those who oppose the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.  Aminatou is only one of many victims of human rights violations. Other human rights defenders remain prisoners of conscience held in inhumane conditions and subject to abuse of international human rights, whilst others live under constant fear of arbitrary arrest and torture.

MINURSO is the only contemporary UN peacekeeping mission without a mandate to monitor human rights.  The evidence for its need cannot now be ignored.  It is necessary to extend the remit of MINURSO to include the monitoring of human rights.

We believe that without this extension of mandate, the Saharawi people will be unable to vote in a free and fair referendum of self-determination as is their right under international law.

We call for the monitoring of human rights to become part of MINURSO’s mandate when it is reviewed in April so that the United Nations can fulfil its obligations to arrange the referendum on self-determination to finally resolve the conflict over Western Sahara.

Yours sincerely

Frank Ruddy, U.S. Ambassador (ret.), Former Deputy Chairman, United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)

Trade Union Congress (TUC) UK

Simon Dubbins, Unite (UK)

Ken Loach, Film Director (UK)

Mark Thomas, Comedian (UK)

War on Want (UK)

Frieda Brepoels MEP (Belgium)

Guido Milana MEP (Italia)

Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers (UK)

Bert Schouwenburg, International Officer, GMB (UK)

Bart Staes MEP (Belgium)

Graham Bennett, Director, One World Action (UK)

Emira Woods, Co-Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies (US)

Carne Ross – Director, Independent Diplomat

Frontline Defenders

Bill Bowring – President, European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights

Glenda Jackson MP (UK)

Lord Redesdale (UK)

Suzanne Scholte, Seoul Peace Prize Laureate 2008, President, Defense ForumFoundation (US)

Michael Beer, Representative Human Rights Action Center (US)

Angus Robertson MP, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Scottish National Party

Western Sahara Campaign UK

Stefan Simonowitz, Chair, Free Western Sahara Network

Western Sahara Resource Watch

International Platform of Jurists for East Timor

Izquierda unida de Aragón

Derek Vaughan MEP (UK)

Dr Caroline Lucas MEP (UK)

Edward Peck, U.S. Ambassador (ret.), Former Ambassador to Mauritania
President, Foreign Services International

Gare Smith, Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor, Department of State (US)

Michael Cashman MEP (UK)

David Drew MP (UK)

Colectivo de Solidaridad por la Justicia y Dignidad de los Pueblos. Coliche (España)

MRAP, Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples (France)

Associació Catalana per a la Defensa dels Drets Humans (España)

Hywel Williams MP (UK)

Willy Meyer, MEP, eurodiputado de Izquierda Unida  (España)

Salah Eddine Amaidan, Président APSO Avignon (France)

Carlos Wilson, Executive Director, US-Western Sahara Foundation

Helena Laukko, UN Association, Finland

Nina May, Founder and Chairman, Renaissance Foundation (US)

Women Living Under Muslim Laws – International Solidarity Network (WLUML)

Jill Evans MEP (UK)

Stephen Thomas, United Nations Association, Wales

Linda Fabiani, MSP

Lyn Allison, President, Australia Western Sahara Association

Danielle Smith, Director, Sandblast (UK)

Thomas Schmidt – Secretary General, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

Liz Davies – Chair, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

Konstantina Isidoros, Doctoral Researcher (social anthropology of Western Sahara), University of Oxford, (UK)

Pedro Pinto Leite, International Jurist, Leiden, the Netherlands

Teresa K.E. Smith de Cherif, M.D. M.I.A. Medical Director, Sahara Fund Medical Missions to Tifariti, Western Sahara Sahara Fund, Inc, (US)

Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics & International Studies Chair, Middle Eastern Studies Program, University of San Francisco

Paul Balta, Writer and Journalist  (France)

APSO, Amis du Peuple du Sahara Occidental, (France)

Western Sahara Association of Japan

Francesc Verdugo Ibarz, President de l' associació, Projecte Tibsima Mollet Sàhara per a Infants Sahrauís Discapacitats

Swedish Western Sahara Action

Janet Lenz, International Liaison, Board of Directors, Not Forgotten International, Inc.

Ronny Hansen,Chair, Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara

David Lippiatt, International Executive Director, We International (US)

Foundation 'Africa Another Way' (Polska)

Nancy Purcell, Executive Director, 318 Partners Mission (US)

Steve Hagens, Executive Director, Homeland International (US)

Associació Catalana d'Amics del Poble Sahrauí

Henry Song, Board of Directors, PSALT (US)

Javier Trincado González.Plataforma de Apoyo Político al Pueblo Saharaui (PAPPS)

Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Santurtzi, AMAL

M Mercè Rovira Regàs, Ajuntament & Universitat de Girona

Enrique Santiago Romero,Secretario de Derechos Humanos del Partido Comunista de España

Partido Comunista de España

Marcia Woodward Director, English Project 27th of February Camp

ACAPS, Associació Catalana d’Amics del Poble Sahrauí, España

Olaia Sagredo, Iesbaa

Taleb Gachbar, Président, OF2PS (France)

Djemilla Bendriss, Présidente, Enfants de la Méditerranée (France)

Olivier Bordes, Journalist (France)

Marie Thérèse Marchand,  Association CAPSOLIDAIRE "Faire Grandir l'Enfant par le Jeu le Désert  (France)

L'Association des Sahraouis en France

L'AFAPREDESA, Association des Familles et des Disparus Sahraouis (France)

CORELSO,Comité pour le respect des libertés et droits humains au Sahara occidental

Jean-Paul Le Marec, ingénieur agronome (France)

Comité Limousin de Solidarité avec le Peuple Sahraoui (CLSPS) (France)

Aline Pailler,  Journaliste  (France)

Aba Haissan, Saharawi Jurists Union, UJS

Mohamed Cheikh, General Trade Union of Saharawi Workers, UGTSARIO

Saharawi Committee For the Defence of Human Rights in Glaimim (Morocco)

Solidariteitsgroep Westelijke Sahara (Belgium)

Rolf Thulin, Staffanstorp (Sverige)

Katarina Cnattingius,Täby (Sverige)

Claes Cnattingius, Täby (Sverige)

Pierre Holonou Akpenou, Président APSO (Togo)

Bachir Mohamed Jalil, Periodista en La Radio Nacional Saharaui

Gemeinnützige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit GmbH (GEZA) (Österreich)

Leif Hansson, Ransby (Sverige)

Abdeslam Omar Lasen, President, AFAPREDESA, The Association for the Families of Saharawi Prisoners and the Disappeared (Saharawi Refugee Camps, Tindouf)

Mildred Thulin, Staffanstorp, Former Member of Parliament (Sverige)

Gaspar Llamazares Trigo (España)


Malainin Lakhal, Saharawi Journalists and Writers Union (UPES) (Tindouf Refugee Camps)

Yahya Rahal, President of Youth Voluntary Organisation "Freedom and Peace"

Mousa Salma, Secretary General,Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO)

Luis Portillo Pasqual Del Riquelme, Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, Funcionario del Estado (España)

The Swedish Western Sahara Committee

SJJA (Sahara Japan Journalist Association).

Cate Lewis, Vice President, Australia Western Sahara Association

Suzana Braz, Associação Amizade Portugal Sahara Ocidental



Afrika's laatste kolonie
Sinds 1975 wordt drie kwart van de Westelijke Sahara bezet door Marokko. Een groot deel van de oorspronkelijke bevolking leeft vandaag nog steeds in vluchtelingenkampen in Algerije. Zij die in het thuisland achterbleven worden door de Marokkaanse bezetters onderworpen aan ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen. Al meer dan 40 jaar wachten de Saharawi op de uitoefening van hun legitiem recht op zelfbeschikking.
BOEK: International Law and the Question of Western Sahara


Bij ons weten het eerste collectieve werk over de juridische aspecten van het conflict omtrent de Westelijke Sahara. Beschikbaar in het Engels en Frans. Bestel het hier.